
Reportcard Generation

Effortlessly generate comprehensive and customizable report cards, providing a detailed overview of each student's academic performance and progress, manage end-to-end exam process from scheduling to marks updation and customizable report generation, and facilitating transparent communication between educators, students, and parents.

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Customizable Templates

Customize student report card layouts, logos, and color schemes to align with the school's visual identity. Ensure a professional and branded appearance that reflects your institution's values and standards.

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Holistic Attendance Tracking

Track scholastic and non-scholastic attendance and generate customizable reports at the end of year for all students..

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Automated Process

Leverage automated algorithms to calculate final percentage and total assessment criteria in the exam report card generator. Teachers just need to add marks and grades with the passing criterion to generate final marks for their entire class. promoting fair and reliable grading.


1.Facilitate Total Customization

Learnsiksha Report Card maker module offers unparalleled flexibility, allowing meticulous customization from editing the report card title to the inclusion of teacher and parent signatures.

2. Save Resources

Reduce vendor dependency and create your customized report cards without any error. Teachmint automates this entire process to ensure that you save both cost and time while creating your printable customized report cards.

3.Prevent Stockouts

With the help of Inventory Management Software in place, it is quite easy to track available stock in the school inventory and reorder them in case they are low on stock. This makes sure that there is no disruption simply because of a lack of equipment. This is especially crucial in laboratories because there are usually only one or two sessions per week at most.

4.Financial Planning

The administrators can see each and every item available in the school put into separate categories. This makes it easier for the administrators to plan ahead & buy whatever is necessary for uninterrupted operation of the school. Since the finances of the school are accounted for every time a transaction is made, it also makes audits easier on the school management.

5.Easier Identification & Tracking with Unique ID

With so many items being bought and used in the school, it becomes difficult to keep track of them, especially if the number of students is high. Teachmint solves this problem by assigning a unique ID to each and every item that is present in the school inventory, hence enabling an extreme level of precision when it comes to monitoring it. This helps the administrators make sure that the respective person is held accountable if anything goes wrong, hence making sure that there are no mishaps at any step of the way.

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A library plays a pivotal role in any institute. With the help of the right books, students can expand their knowledge and learn new skills. However, managing the requests of every student and teacher becomes cumbersome for librarians. With Teachmint, admins can make the task easier for librarians. Institutes can use the library management system to create a list of books available in the library. In addition to this, the system also gives insights into which book has been assigned to which student. Having efficient library management is critical for institutes. This helps to eliminate redundant tasks and save time. The library management solution by Teachmint easily helps to manage the piles of books and records the book names using authors’ names and ISBN numbers.